If you have blank disc which you can purchase from most electrical stores, then copy mp3 music files on blac CD then insert CD into ps2 and that's it
I think (but I'm not sure) you can download songs from your Mp3 and play them on the PS2, or you can charge it.
Well no.Only for XBOX
Yes a PS2 can play a Music CD
For the PS2 press either L1 or R1 to activate the mp3 player.
The PS2 will play music CDs
Unforetualntly you can't.
No, PS2's can not play music while you're playing a game on it. In fact, the only game console that can play music (for certain games) while you're playing anything in the PlayStation family, is the PS3.
well if you have an xbox you can put a disc inside with music and it will be on your playlist or you can use your mp3 player i not sure if this works for ps2 or ps3 or wii
Yes it can. It can play music CD's and DVD's Hope this helped
Dude I have no idea why you didn't ask on our site, but unless you modded your PS2, which is illegal, you can't. There is a huge process into modding your PS2, and since it is illegal I'm not going to go into it here, but check Google. After you did that you need to convert our files (which you can find on modded PS2 sites).Good luck.
At different times you can watch movies or play music