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Depends on what test you use, but never instantly.

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Q: How soon can you see if your pregnant?
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You are pregnant When should you see your doctor?

as soon as you know

How soon you can use home pregnancy test?

as soon as you think you are pregnant ,just take the test to see.

How soon you need to see a doctor for being pregnant q?

You make an appointment as soon as you suspect it or get a positive pregnancy test.

How soon can you go to doctor for the test?

For a pregnancy test in about a day after you had sex to see if your pregnant.

At how many weeks pregnant should you book an appointment to see your doctor when you find out you are first pregnant?

I've been told you should make an appointment with your doctor as soon as you find out your pregnant.

Will your baby get chlamydia?

No, your baby will not catch chlamydia. If you believe you could be infected, and you are pregnant, see your doctor soon.

I had implantation bleeding about five days ago is it too soon to see if im pregnant?

No - take a test

How do ladies find they are pregnant what should they do?

They should take a home pregnancy test and/or go to see their Dr and tell them that you may be pregnant. If you have a positive home pregnancy test see your Dr as soon as possible and they will tell you what to do.

Is your girlfriend pregnant if its positive?

It depends what is "positive": if you are talking about a pregnancy test - yes, if it is positive, she is most likely pregnant. She should see the doctor as soon as possible to be sure.

Is 12 weeks too late to go see a doctor when pregnant?

It is NEVER too late to go see a physician. You should go as soon as you can.

If your stomach feels like a rock and is getting bigger could you be pregnant even though you still have a very abnormal period?

Yes, you can be pregnant and have vaginal bleeding. There are other possibilities why you have swelling in your stomach and you should see your caregiver as soon as possible. If you are worried about being pregnant, but do not want to see a caregiver right away, get a pregnancy test. If you are pregnant, it is very important that you get prenatal care for your child as soon as possible. Good luck!

Can mama rabbit get pregnant while being pregnant?

No! But they can get pregnant as soon as they have babies.