i would advise up to 4 weeks but some people kiss within the first week they get it pierced..my first piercing hurt alot more maybe its because it was the first time or maybe because the barbel was longer but yea unfortunally i swallowed it so i decided to get it repierce it after 2 months and the second one was great, i ate the next day and i mean everything...but yea i am going to wait at least a month before i can kiss which should be good because you don't want to get it infected by another persons saliva
after it has healed which is usually 3-4 weeks from the date it was pierced.
It depends if it fell out and it's just been a few hours then you can gauge it back open. The middle of the hole seals up because your tongue is a muscle and the muscle goes back to it's original state as soon as the bar is removed from your tongue. If it's been a while then it's safe to get it re-pierced.
In 16 years I have never had any one's tongue tip change color, so this leads me to believe there are some serious issues going on with your tongue piercing. Best see your doctor as soon as possible.
Of course! You have to, if you don't you won't be able to say your s's and other letters. You'll talk like: Hi i thike (like) you thog (dog) where did thoo (you) get it? You get the point. When you get your tongue pierced, talk, sing, do whatever you can that makes noise from your mouth. Scream do WHATEVER!Yeah you can talk but it hurts kind of and you'll pronounce some word funny. But you should try talking alot singing stuff like that so you can get your voice back to normal as soon as possible (:
Open a can of food and just stand there. You'll soon be getting a cat-tongue lashing in no time!
You're not supposed to change a fresh tongue piercing for two weeks. Tongue piercings are among some of the fastest healing piercings, but you don't want to change it too soon. If you change it too soon, chances are it will swell up again. If you put a shorter bar in your mouth, it will not be able to handle the swelling. I would recommend waiting at least a week and a half, but two weeks is best.
When I got my tongue pierced a few years ago it was fairly swollen and semi-painful for about a week or so. After that it only would hurt when I accidentally would pull it during eating or something. Number one, eat before getting it pierced! Sounds stupid but you wont be able to eat to your hearts content for a little while due to the swelling and pain. Carry around a water bottle with alcohol free mouthwash and water, half and half. Always rinse your mouth out after eating. I would suck on ice and drink ice water and popsicles and stuff. All these things will keep the swelling and pain down significantly. It really shouldnt hurt hurt after a week or so, but getting used to eating is the hardest part. After a few weeks or a month or so it should be pretty healed.
Yes right now their young but someday they will get married soon and they kiss in Japanese version can't wait to see Ash And Dawn Kiss and getting married and starting a Family
As soon as they think that they are ready and they have some one to kiss.
no soon they maybe kiss
I have my tongue pierced and ive had it done 9 month soon, you should expect a little pinch when the needle goes through your tongue, but if im honest with you I thought it was going to hurt way more than what it actualy did and you should aso expect your tongue to swell up for a few days and that it will hurt later on that night and especially whe you get up the morning that's when I could barely talk properly with the amount of pain in my tongue, also to swallow your balls it always happens to me and it takes about 10 days to heal and when it does you tend to go back to where you got it pierced and they change it to a smaller bar that is what they did with me
Sheets#1 says: When I got mine done they told me around 6 months (if you mean by a pool because of clorine)