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As soon as you start to ovulate and this differs between women.


After my third miscarriage, I got pregnant ONE DAY after I stopped bleeding (we did not think that it was possibly). Dr.s' will not recommend doing this (and we did not plan to) and typically recommend waiting at least 6 weeks to 6 months to try again. But, it is possible to get pregnant much sooner than you would think... as my son is evidence to!


You CAN get pregnant in the very next cycle, in two weeks or so, but it is probably better, both physically and psychologically to wait for at least one period.


after giving birth and after a miscarriage are the easiest times to get pregnant according to my textbook


Give your body and mind time to recover (you will know how long) then make love as you would normally.


very soon after ... your cervix is still open and allows sperm to pass through more easily.


You can get pregnant as soon as you ovulate, sometimes just 2 weeks after. It is probably wiser to wait at least one cycle as then you have an LMP to work from to estimate when you are due, not to mention the psychological aspect. However it won't harm you to become pregnant immediately.


It will depend on your own feelings and situations, you will know within yourselt when you feel the time is right. Go by your own instincts, don't feel pressured and listen to your own body signs, be true to yourself, don't rush, it takes time and patience to get back to 'normal'. Look after yourselt first and formost.


Psychologically the above answer is absolutely correct. Physically you can get pregnant after two weeks, before your next period. Probably better to wait until after your next period so you have an accurate datefor calculating your due date. Surprisingly, many women have a baby very near the first anniversary of the miscarriage, so they are pregnant within 3 months.


Every woman is different. The comment about the cervix being open depends on how far AFTER your miscarriage you are tyring to concieve. It does take most women 3 - 6 months following a miscarriage to find themselves pregnant once again. (I am speaking from personal experience).


Like any pregnancy you can become pregnant just after a few weeks. it all depends on your Menstrual cycle and your ovulation. thou i suggest avoid getting pregnaunt for at least 6 months to allow your organs to heal I had three miscarriages and became preagnet the following month after, adn carried those babies to full term.


Almost immediately.
Right after.

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Q: How soon can you get pregnant again after miscarriage?
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I have been pregnant before n I had my daughter who will be 5 in October than in 2007 I had a miscarriage I lost my baby girl when I was 18 weeks now I am pregnant again 11 weeks n I am already showing and bless to be pregnant again!!!!!!!!!!! I have been pregnant before n I had my daughter who will be 5 in October than in 2007 I had a miscarriage I lost my baby girl when I was 18 weeks now I am pregnant again 11 weeks n I am already showing and bless to be pregnant again!!!!!!!!!!!