Inexperienced marijuana users will often have great difficulty driving and should not attempt it. Research with experienced marijuana users shows that it has no significant effect on their driving. They feel the effects of the marijuana but are able to effectively compensate for them. One example is an article titled "Puff the Dangerous Driver" done by Road and Track in 1980. They set up a driving course and had two groups of people drive it. They gave one group increasing doses of alcohol and the other group increasing doses of marijuana. The group taking alcohol was quickly and obviously unsafe on the course. The group taking marijuana actually did slightly better on the course when stoned on marijuana. This is not because marijuana improves performance, but simply shows that it doesn't diminish performance so that they got better with practice.
Height is one factor that can influence the BAC resulting from consuming a set amount of alcohol.
Consuming alcohol can have both risks and benefits. Risks include addiction, impaired judgment, and health issues. Benefits may include social enjoyment and relaxation. To make informed decisions, one should be aware of the potential risks, set limits, drink slowly, and never drink and drive.
As soon as you get your G1 you can drive one.
There is no amount of alcohol one can drink and still SAFELY drive a car.
The only one that anyone should drink (in appropriate amounts) is ethanol. Consuming any other kind of alcohol (isopropanol/isopropyl alcohol: "rubbing alcohol", methanol: "wood alcohol") will be really bad for your health.
Consuming food and non-alcoholic beverages such as water reduce the rate of alcohol absorption into the bloodstream.
It can depend on the wording of the statute in your particular jurisdiction. In some, if you drink alcohol in plain view of passers-by, you are considered to be "consuming alcohol in public."
Fainting, more often called "passing out," is a common symptom of consuming a significant amount of alcohol. Other symptoms include "blacking out" and impaired motor skills. "Alcohol poisoning" tends to refer to more severe alcohol intoxication, in which one's health is legitimately at risk. Alcohol poisoning may require hospitalization.
one half....A+
Disease is a biggun. Livers give out among other things, such as kidneyism. One can also die from consuming too much alcohol and their body can't take it.
Although one can drive the very next day, since the procedure these days is very advanced.. Still it is advised to not advised to drive for 2-3 days, since the inflammation takes time to subside
Consuming one or two beers or other alcoholic beverages each day is associated with better health and living longer than is abstaining from alcohol.