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You should take pregnancy tests not later than 2 weeks after unsafe sexual intercourse. By then you can tell if you're pregnant if you do not want to wait for the tummy to grow.

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Q: How soon can i tell if I'm pregnant?
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You had your implanon taken out two weeks ago and had intercourse during that time how soon can you tell if im pregnant and could you have gotten pregnant and not know yet and how soon can i tell?

You can tell if you're pregnant two or three weeks after unprotected sex.

How soon can you tell if im pregnant?

You can take the test 10-14 days after sex.

Im thirtheen and im pregnant how do you tell the dad?

you just tell him who it was and how it happend ok BE CALM

How do you tell im pregnant when im 10?

well it depends if your on your period

How do i tell people at school im pregnant when im only 10?

Okay first of all how did you get pregnant at 10?

Can you tell your teacher im pregnant?

I don't see why not.

How soon can you know if im pregnant?

Answermost pregnancy test can tell you up to five days before your missed period i have a friend that found out when she was only two weeks pregnant during a doctors visit though

Why haven't i had my period when im not pregnant?

Because your pregnant who did u have sex with come on and tell

Im on the implanon birth control how can i tell if im pregnant if im bleeding everyday because of it?

You can tell if you're pregnant by taking a pregnancy test. The implant does not affect the accuracy of a pregnancy test. Pregnancy is rare on the implant.

Can a woman tell she is pregnant as soon as the pregnancy begins?

Yes, you can tell from 2 weeks at the earliest

How soon can you tell you are pregnant without a pregnancy test?

As soon as you start getting your nausea feeling in the mornings.

How you tell your husband im not pregnant?

Just tell him your not, and keep trying until you are =) good luck