You can actually be put on Birth Control about 6 weeks after you have your baby.
too soon for your husband
Um, gosh, try BIRTH CONTROL.
Immediately. if you do not wish to have another baby use condoms and/or a reliable method of birth control.
You can become pregnant quite soon after having a baby. Sometimes in as little a month, but that may also be dependant on how soon after giving birth Mum is to resuming normal sexual activity.
As soon as pregnancy is confirmed, stop your birth control. Take a test 14 the day you had sex or the day of your expected period.
It is best to wait at least a year to try to get pregnant again so your body can fully heal before going thru the same rough process again. If you get pregnant soon after having a baby the chances of losing the baby or having a pre-term birth are higher.
yes she did have her baby she had a baby boy...........
Doctors slap the baby to make it cry (if it does not on it's own) to get the baby breathing.
It means that the baby is in position to be born-- and probably soon.
Not Necessarily!