Slaves were exchanged for goods such as weapons, textiles, alcohol, and other items. They were traded as commodities for profit and economic gain by European slave traders.
Slaves in Africa were traded primarily for goods such as textiles, beads, weapons, alcohol, and other commodities. The transatlantic slave trade involved the exchange of slaves for manufactured goods, rum, firearms, and other items by European colonizers.
Hi bye my mom
All sorts of items were used in trading slaves such as guns, money, cotton, and a number of other types of goods where traded.
A trade route in the Atlantic Ocean where goods and weapons were traded for slaves.
Egypt got gold from Nubia.
Guns, cloths & beads were often sold.
Mali grew more and more prosperous, and when new gold deposits were found, the king of Mali lead the trade.
A variety of items were sold at the Silk Road.Since many nations and countries came to trade there they would generally bring their specialization as a product to sell.The items ranged from spice to pots an clothing!
you can only trade items with a rarity of 3 or below, you cant trade rarity 4 or over items. armour and weapons CANNOT be traded or given
Yes, the Egyptians did trade they traded between themselfes like cloth and also they traded food and other needs. The egyptians traded with other people frome other places. They traded other food and things like that. If you want you can go to google or yahoo, and yet more information.