Go shopping and look around. then find the bra section and say ''mom ive been thinking, every girl at school has a bra, and i think i need on to''
It should be easy. Just take your mom into a private room where you can tell her and trust me i went through the same thing with my mom, its all about trust. There shouldn't be one secret that you have that you cant tell your mom.
You shouldnt be shy to tell your mom anything ! I honestly dint even have to tell my mom, she just bought me bra's! :P But i think, when you and her are alone,you should tell her this: Hey mom! I was wondering if we can go shopping to buy myself a bra, i think i need one ? And ask her what she thinks! Hope i helped you!
No unless her boobs really and I mean really need them it's embarrassing
Just tell her that your bra is starting to feel tight and uncomfortable. She's a woman. She'll understand.
you should say,"Mom, I need a bra soon" as weird as that sounds you should
"yo mumma im getting titties"
some moms want you to be honest about things and tell them when you got your period or something but if you don't want to ask your mom then just make some money and when your out with your friends buy a bra they wont care! :) the other option is to tell your mom you need a bra, what i do is when me and my mom are talking i randomly bring up that i need a bra, it also works when your already in a bra store so any of these things work:) hope u get that bra! :)
actually, it's not tht hard to tell her. i did it! all you have to do is start by saying something like, " mom, some of my friends got their first bra, and i think i should probably get mine soon also." this is how i did it. it worked for me. and it's normal to need a bra first at around the age of nine or ten. i hope this helped! :)
If you haven't asked your mom to buy you bra's yet this is what you should do.Get all the courage you can, make your statement as clear as you can and ask your mom if you can talk to her, go into her bedroom and sit down on the bed. Say "Mom, I was wondering if you can buy me bra's. I think it's time for you to buy me some." If she doesn't agree that you need one, ask her for training bra's. If you can't get the courage to ask her in person, write a note and put it in her purse. She will soon notice it and she will probably ask you when you want to go buy them. I would prefer the note, if you can't get the courage.I have the same problem but i am too scared to ask or wright a noteI don't want to tell my mom I'm embarrassed
Hi, mom, I need to ask a favor. Could you help me buy a bra? Remember, your mom once got her first bra . . . it's not going to be a mystery to her.
You should just go up to her and say, "Mom i've thought about it and I think I do need a bra" You don't want you're nipples showing and as you're boobs get bigger you're gonna need something to keep them from bouncing! Hope this helps, and don't worry, if you tell you're mom you need a bra she'll probably jump up say about time and run you to the store in the matter of 5 seconds. She probably wants you to wear one as much as you do. Bye!
I think your mom will get you one when she thinks it's the right time... But if you think you need a bra and she hasn't gotten you one yet I think when you two are shopping together either just put one in the shopping cart or tell her. what ifi am too afraid to ask her