You guys can cuddle you can lay on his chest while he raps his arms around you. Or you can lay on top of him while he holds you.
You should just smile and hold his hand.
put your arm that is close to him around him! Leave your other arm hanging, it might seem funny but it looks cute!
No, he just like you
Atleast a half hour.
You grab him by the arm and pull him then put him in the bed and he will probablty like it.
No you shouldn't you should always take it slow. And find someone you really like, then if your a guy, slowly put your arm around her and get closer to her and kiss. if your a girl. lean into his shoulder!
You should get a chain on your wrist but it looks like it connects to each other and one should get it on the right arm and the other on the left arm.
you say, " so hows it goin' between you and your girlfriend?" .
He will put his arm around your shoulder and get real close.
A girl LOVES it when a guy puts his arm around her and says 'I love you.'
Do not talk about dating or any potential future relationship beforehand.
Yes. Especially if the boy feels uncomfortable doing it first. My girlfriend put her arm over me first.