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i did everything with new everything. all sterilized, or right out of the package.

I used a 13 guage needle in the center of my lip, and out of 7 lip piercings [had to take other ones out for school and they were snakebites, this one is in the center of my lower lip]] it bled, horribly, and since the piercing, my lip is fine, but if you touch the stud on the front, and it moves even slightly in the hole, or twist it a little, anything, it stings horribly, i cant get the idea that a lip piercing looks good on me out of my head.

Now i see this was kind of stupid, and i wanted it pretty bad, and now i dont. i pierced it just about 26 hours ago? never had a piercing hurt this much. is it safe to remove? or shoudli definatly remove it? or should i give it a while ot heal and let it close up then to make sure theres no more bleeding?

The reasons you should not attempt to pierce your self should be obvious, but for those who think it's a "DIY" project, here's some food for thought.

Infection and contraction of MRSA, HIV, Meningitis, Hepatitis and Tetanus are all very serious health issues, MRSA is an antibiotic resistant bacteria that can in most cases land the unlucky individual in the hospital (and has been responsible for serious deformities and deaths). These infections has been caused by using unsterilized equipment and materials. Sterilization is not achieved by pouring alcohol over needles and jewellery, or burning these items over a fire or exposed flame. Microorganisms live in the fine fissures and cracks in needles and jewellery and only the high temperature and pressure of a steam Autoclave can render these and many other bacteria harmless.

The above reasons alone should be enough to sway anyone from thinking they can do it themselves. Professional body piercers have years of hands on training and education to enable them to make any piercing "look simple", when in fact they are considering dozens of things when they lay out a piercing and actually do it. So consider your lack of knowledge, training and skills before you attempt to do any self piercing, once you pierce it, it's damaged tissue. This makes it even more difficult for a professional piercer to leave you with a great looking piercing when the area we have to work with is damaged by self inflicted attempts.

Wikianswers is not a venue to provide how to information that can lead to serious personal injury, such postings will be deleted from the site.

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What is it called if you have one lip piercing on the left side?

For your upper lip, Left is a monroe piercing. The bottom lip could just be a lip piercing, or labret piercing.

What is the normal gauge of a lip piercing?

14g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g is normal for a female lip piercing.

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Yeah go to a shop to be safe , or somebody expierenced.

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Yea,i have a lip piercing and it does that do its natural

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It means that he wanted a lip piercing :)

What does a lip piercing mean?

Having a piercing on the side of your lip :3

Will you die from bleeding if you hit a vein while piercing under the lip?

No. There are no main arteries through your lip or chin, therefore, unless you are prone to excessive bleeding, it is near to impossible to die from bleeding.

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I am going to assume you did them yourself and the piercing wasn't done by a professional body piercer, there fore a vein was hit while doing the piercing. That is why it is bleeding.

Tongue piercing or lip piercing?

up to you i would say lip though

What does a center lip piercing mean?

It's a center lip piercing, it means it's a center lip piercing, nothing more nothing less.

What hurts worse lip piercing or nose piercing?

A lip piercing hurts worse. nose is more cartilidge and has less nerves than the lip.

Is a 14 gauge normal for a lip piercing?

14g to 16g is normal for a male lip piercing, 16g to 18g is normal for a female lip piercing.