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Mucus is one of the most guarenteed and natural ways to tell when you're most fertile. You can usually get an acurate test result a couple days after your missed period.

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Q: How reliable is cervical mucus What are the chances of pregnancy if the condom fell out and according to cervical position and mucus it was the most fertile time How early can a pregnancy test happen?
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The First Response pregnancy test claims to be extremely reliable. They claim pregnancy can be detected up to three days before a missed period. Check out reviews written by users on Amazon.

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Pregnancy can be avoided by using condoms along with a reliable form of birth control.

If it is not time for a girl's period but she takes the pregnancy test anyway and gets a negative result is it accurate and reliable?

No. Most pregnancy tests are much more reliable once the period has been missed.

How reliable are home pregnancy tests?

pretty reliable but use it a few times to make sure or go to a lab tested one

Are early pregnancy test reliable?

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If the home pregnancy test is moved around before the results are the results reliable?

No, it won't change the results so they are still reliable

When should you undergo pregnancy test?

Home pregnancy tests are considered reliable 14 to 16 days after having unprotected sex.

Stopped pill showed positive pregnancy test in one week?

A pregnancy test wont be reliable until after 2 weeks.

Is 5 days to soon to test for pregnancy?

Yes. You need to wait 14 to 16 days after sex to get a reliable answer on a home pregnancy test.

Is it possible get a negative pregnancy test but be 2 weeks pregnant?

Pregnancy tests, especially early-stage home tests, are never 100% reliable.

Can you just walk in to a lab to get a blood pregnancy test?

Most doctor's offices can perform a pregnancy test, but if you are wanting to know about a particular clinic, you should call them and ask.