Power (within limits) is not a function of the firearm, but of the cartridge fired by that firearm. A 9mm submachinegun is as powerful as another 9mm submachinegun, a .45 as powerful as a .45, etc.
Heckler & Koch G3 Steyr AUG M-16 AK-47 Heckler & Koch MP5 Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW Heckler & Koch G3 Steyr AUG M-16 AK-47 Heckler & Koch MP5 Heckler & Koch MP5K-PDW
ERMA MP40 (aka Schmeisser, standard-issue German smg of WWII) Heckler & Koch MP5 Heckler & Koch MP5K Heckler & Koch MP7
no they are not.
The Guns that the Portuguese army use are as follow's. Handguns Walther P38 SIG P228 Heckler and Koch USP9 Rifles and Carbines Heckler & Koch G3 Heckler & Koch G36 Heckler & Koch HK 417 IMI Galil Heckler & Koch MSG-90 AI AWSF AI AWSM AI AW50 Barrett M95 Barrett M82A1 Sub-Machineguns Brügger & Thomet MP9 Heckler & Koch MP5K Heckler & Koch MP5A5 Heckler & Koch MP5SD6 IMI Uzi Shotguns Mossberg 500 Benelli M3 Franchi SPAS 15 Machine Guns MG3 Heckler & Koch HK 21 FN Minimi Heckler & Koch MG4 Heavy Machine Guns FN M3M Browning M2HB Grenade Launchers HK79 M203 Heckler & Koch AG36 ARWEN 37 Milkor MGL Mortars 120mm Tampella B 81mm L16 A2 m/86 60mm Soltan 60mm FBP m/68 Missile Launcher's M72 LAW Carl Gustav M3 MILAN TOW
No, small arms manufacturer Heckler & Koch GmbH is a privately held company, and as such is not publicly traded.
Koch Industries is a privately-held company and as such has no publicly-traded stock.
Made by Heckler & Koch, Germany
Heckler & Koch, G.M.b.H
Heckler & Koch discover mp5.
Heckler and Koch and BAE Systems.
AK47.If i had a choice I would choose the Heckler and Koch usp.While both are fine made sidearms,I have seen the Heckler and Koch hold up extremely well over a period of many years of full load shooting.