21 I believe. It can be 18 but only with a federal permit (usually used for police or military personnel).
In PA you can
In PA you have to be 21 to conceal carry (or carry loaded in your car) a handgun.
Most all Walmarts sell BB guns
Yes, providing you follow all the state and federal laws.
You can buy shotguns and rifles out of state, but not handguns. Also, some states have individual restrictions, so you should check NJ and PA law.
No, but hand guns and assault rifles you do
PA doesn't require registration ofordinary Title I firearms, to include handguns.
No, in the US you must be 18 to buy paintball markers and most accessories.
You can buy the cigarette called Bidis in Scranton, PA by searching for it at Scranton smoke shops. The cigarette is made in India and is actually a small cigar that is rolled by hand. You will also find them at Bidis Online.
There is no requirement or provision to register a shotgun in PA
Assuming you are an adult, and not currently on probation or parole, you should be able to legally purchase a firearm.