Idk any age really, just make sure your ready and okay with this choice. My part, don't even do it.
You should tell her that you love her and support her no matter what.
You're young. You just think you love him. How can you love someone you have never touched in a romantic way (I guess)? You are just infatuated with him. Years from now you can tell him that you used to think you were in love with him when you were younger.
Sit him down and talk to him. Tell him why you don't like his new partner and work something out with him.
how old are you first? write on the bottom
tell them to stop. if that doesnt work tell someone you trust, most likely a parent
YOU are too YOUG to be DATING! You have no idea what love is!
The old saying "Love is a two way street" comes to mind. Be honest and talk to them, tell them your feelings for them and if they make it obvious that they are not interested, most people would tell you to move on with your life and find someone that will love you back, you deserve it and owe it to yourself to find happiness in your life.
Tell him to stop or you should tell someone such as your parents or teacher as this is wrong.
Well you should but you are both adults and love has no barriers so good luck but be careful !
No, if you do not think you are ready then you should listen to your feelings. If they love you back then they will understand.
You should tell him how you feel age makes no difference when you are in love. Good Luck! I'm 11 and I love a 23 year old. Your lucky.
Love is a two-way street. It isn't love if the other person doesn't love you back. What you describe is a "love triangle" and it is as old as time. There isn't much you can do to change someone else's mind. But you can change your own. Find someone else and stop wishing for something you can't have.