There is no public listing of serial number/ year ranges for Charter Arms, but if you call Charter at 203-922-1652, give them your serial number, they can tell you.
No public data. Contact Charter Arms customer service
We cannot tell model number from the serial number. A typical Charter Arms Undercover is about $150-$200.
Check with Charter Arms customer service through their website.
No published sn data.
Contact Charter Arms Customer Service at 866-769-4867.
50-275 usd
Under $300 in great condition, charter made alot of them and they're in plentiful supply.
10-200 USD or so
Not all makes of firearms HAVE a model number. Some makers use model NAMES (um... like Bulldog or Undercover, or Undercoverette) instead of a model number.
what is the corporate charter number
An account number for charter is the special number designated for the charter that is used for the banking purposes.
Unfortunately, Charter has passed thru a couple of reorganizations, and there are no known public records of all serial numbers. You may try customer service at Charter Arms website, but your question may have to remain unanswered. Wish I could give you a better answer, but the info is just not out there.