The Winchester model 43 was made from 1949-1957.There were 62,617 rifles made during this time span.I hope this info was of help to you.
How old is the Model 94 Winchester 3030 serial 4554129?
how old is a Winchester 101 with a serial number of k236347
without a serial number I cannot say how old it is.
With the serial number that you provided your winchester model 1897 shotgun was made by winchester in 1913.
With the serial number that you provided,your winchester model 1894 rifle was made by winchester in 1913.
No way to answer your question without you providing a serial number to your Winchester rifle.
Your winchester model 9422 was made by winchester in 1991.
No serial number provided.
Need the serial numbrer in order to answer
Impossible to answer without a serial number.
No way of saying unless you include the model of Winchester you have,along with the serial number provided.