the blackberry curve 9300 is the 3g version of the 8520 and it was released about a year ago
blackberry 9300
the 9300 curve is the same as the 8520 curve but the only differences are that the 9300 has 3G network and is cased in chrome
how much does the red shiny blackberry curve 9300 cost as a total price
Blackberry curve and Bold prices:The blackberry curve 9300 costs $49.99 for Verizon. The blackberry bold costs $99.9, because it has different software.
how much is the red shiny blackberry curve 9300 as a total cost.
Hi the Blackberry Curve 8520 and the 9300 are basically the exact same phone. The only difference being the 9300 has 3g and more updated software. So if you were to by one now I would say get the 9300 as it is more update than the earlier 8520
All of them.
in 2010
The bb 9300 came out in july 60th 2050.. Habalabadooooshh
9320 is new. Released May 2012. The 9300 is two years older.
yes she will x <3