No known sn data published.
Depending on condition they range from $50-$100 at the local Gunshows in Ohio
Need more information - is this model a 9mm semi-auto carbine or pistol? Length of barrel and description of firearm is needed.
Made in Italy
They are out of business as of 1999
One can buy parts for a Savage Kimel Kamper KK1 as of 2014 at a few locations. These parts can be purchased through gun retailers, gun auctions, and gun classifieds.
The Kimel (no B) Kamper was made 1979-c.1981.
Gun show, gun shops, pawn shops, estate sale, garage sale, want ad, for sale ad, egunparts
Between 150 200 dollars
Check with numrich gun parts corp.they can be found on the web.