Supply your serial number at the Browning website and the database will look it up for you.
how old is the browning shotgun with the serial number 8G 12882
Browning's web site has a sn search function.
@ 33 years old
Your serial number indicates that your Browning light weight auto-5 shotgun was made in the year 1960.
The prefix of 9G indicates that your Browning light weight auto-5 shotgun was made in the year 1959.
You will need to include the letter or number and letter prefix to your serial number in this question to get a date of manufacture for your browning light weight 12 gauge shotgun. has a sn function listed under customer service.
Your Browning light weight model auto-5 shotgun should have the letter L ahead of this serial number(L4968).If so,this indicates that your shotgun was made in the year 1954.
Sorry, the Light Weight Twelve was not made until 1953, and the gun was never made in St. Louis. Post the serial number and we can tell you what you have.
Without a detailed description of all markings, features, box, papers, accessories, condition, etc.. 100-1000 USD. You will have to call Browning or visit their web site to find out how old. You did not provide the serial number. has sn data under customer service.