If it has no serial number, it is definitely before 1968. As of 1968, the Gun Control Act required serial numbers.
These guns were made on contract usually by Stevens, but sometimes by other companies. After 1968, the serial number can be compared to online archives, however, records aren't exact and it can be hard to narrow it down beyond a range of several years.
If you search online, you can probably find a similar gun on an auction site, fan site or interest site to compare to. Similar shapes and finishes were used in blocks over several years, and that will help narrow it down.
i have a model 940 E 410 shotgun how old is it and what is it worth
35 years old
Sears model 21 pump shotguns were made by High Standard. The High Standard model designation is the K2011, also known as the Flite/Sport King. They were manufactured between 1960 and 1966. The K2011 was a 20ga shotgun, specifically the Flight King Deluxe. High Standard guns are characterized by Series (such as K2011) and then by catalog number which further defines exact features, barrel length, etc. The Sears Model 21 in .410 was a version of the K-410 series Flight King Field shotgun, catalog #8450. It was produced between 1962 and 1965. The Sears model number can be found on the left side of the barrel, and will be either 583.2085, 583.2086 or 583.2087. sales@countrygunsmith.net
No sn data available.
Your shotgun was made by High standard in 1960 for Sears. The model 21 was first introduced by Sears in the spring of 1958.
Your Stevens model 77F was produced from 1955-1971.
I need butt end of a duble barrowl shotgun 1017 sears.
I have one to and I was wondering the same thing.
Your J Stevens model 59A shotgun not rifle was made from 1938-1945.
A" designates single shot.
No way of knowing without a serial number /model number to identify what type of .410 gauge stevens you have.