Go to the Ruger website, look under customer service, historical data
Ruger's site is not working for me. They have extensive sn data.
1954. Ruger website, customer service has year of production data.
Please rephrase the question with the appropriate model designation. There is no "Mark You" model made by Ruger. You could be referring to the Mk. I, II, or III pistols, or the Mk. I rifle. <><><> Agree. If you go to the Ruger website, under Customer Service, select historical data, your TYPE of firearm, then the model, there is a list of serial number ranges by year. But no model you.
Go to the Ruger website, customer service, historical data, pistol, find your model, and there is a serial number/ year of production list.With the serial number that you provided,your Ruger standard model single six revolver was made in 1960.If you have a standard model automatic Mark I pistol,it was made in 1957.
Upload a photo of it to a gun forum to identify it, guns are not identified by their serial number, they are identified by their model name. For example : Ruger Charger, Ruger Mark, etc.
If you go to the Ruger website, look under customer service, then historical documents, then rifle, and Model 77, there is a serial number list by year.
50-200 USD or so
Ruger has sn data on their web site.
Go to the Ruger website, Customer Service, Historical Data, find your model, and look up the date of manufacture.
$50-$300, depending on exact model and condition.
Ruger's website has a sn function.