The 360 is a Savage model 540. That's all the information I have.
Savage Arms
It is over 30 years that I know
The Revelation Model 360 double barrel 16 guage shotgun was made by Savage. I own one, inherited from my dad, and I recently saw and compared it to a Savage Fox model B at a gun show. The two guns were identical right down to the checkering on the stock. The only difference is that mine says Revelation Model 360. These are excellent bird and skeet guns. Revelation was the brand name used by the old Western Auto stores.
Modle 101 1380 410 shotgun
You will probably have to have them made.
310 revelation 20 gauge
@150 USD
I got one in 1970. I'm not sure how long they had been selling before that.
And your question is?