The value depends on the condition of the gun. The price can be anywhere from 50 dollars to 150 dollars.
Yes in 1860 Stevens made a double barrel, all steel barrel and its has external hammers.
It is worth what ever the market will bear.
50-100 dollars
80 years plus or minus...
What is the Value of my Crescent Fireams, 12 Gauge, Double Barrel, Curly serial number that I can find
The T C Montgomery double barrel shotgun with double barrel hammers is valued at $75 in fait condition. In good condition its valued at $160.
i got a 12 gauge king nitro double barrel double triggers and double hammers no serial number on it
Are the hammers on the back of the lock or on the sides? The first is probably a shooter worth $100 - $200 depending on condition. The second is a wall decoration with about the same value.
No known sn data published. Most likely from turn of the century.
What are the markings on the gun?
double trigger and hammers