The 5V prefix to a browning serial number indicates that your firearm is a Browning auto-5 Magnum shotgun that was made in the year 1965.
This was used in the serial number prefix with a number to indicate that you have a Browning auto-5 magnum shotgun.the number or numbers before the V indicate the year of manufacture,This was used by browning from 1958-1976.
your browning auto-5 was made in 1923.
Your browning model auto-5 12 ga was made in 1928.
your browning model auto-5 shotgun was made in 1924.
The prefix of zero V(0V) indicates that you have a Browning magnum auto-5 shotgun that was made in the year 1960.
Your browning auto-5 was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1958.
It was made in 1959
You will have to call Browning to find out.The serial number prefix of 6V indicates that you have a Browning auto-5 shotgun that was made in 1966,and the letter V indicates that you have a Magnum model auto-5 shotgun.
your browning auto-5 shotgun was made in 1928.
The 72G prefix indicates that you have a browning auto-5 light weight shotgun that was made by FN of belguim for browning in 1972.
Made in 1926.