The answer to your question can only be answered if the serial number is known.
If you have a model 55 centerfire rifle it was made in 1924.
your model 55 Winchester was made in 1925.
Your Winchester Model 55 was manufactured in December of 1926.
All my references indicate that the winchester model 1895 was never chambered in 38-55 winchester caliber.Is it possable that your rifle was rechambered in the past?Please check your caliber again.It could be that your rifle is chamered in 38-72 win.
with no more information that that; 100-1000 USD.
your model 55 Winchester was made in 1928,so that puts its age at 82yrs.old
The Winchester model 55 rifles were some one of the few rifles made by Winchest er to have serial numbers of their own,and also have them listed with the model 1894 rifle production serial numbers.Yours happens to be one of the rifles made that lists its serial number in the model 1894 range of numbers.With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 55 rifle was made in the year 1928.The Winchester model 55 was made from 1926-1936,with a total production of only 20,592 rifles made.I hope this helps eliminate any confusion on this model of Winchester rifle.
with the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 55 was made in the first year of production which was 1924.
ho much is a model 55 nickel steel barrel Winchester 32 special worth today?
With the serial number that you provided,your Winchester model 1894 rifle was made in the year 1910.
The first was the Model 1885 Single Shot rifle. The second was the Model 1894 lever-action rifle. The Models 55 and 64 (variants of the Model 1894) were also made in 38-55, but in very small numbers.