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No known sn data published. Probably turn of the century or a little later.

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Q: How old is a Revelation model 350-series M 20 gauge?
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How old is a revelation model 350a 20 gauge shotgun?

It is over 30 years that I know

How old is this Western Auto 16 Gauge Revelation 350 A model shot gun.?

I can't tell you how old it is, but I can tell you it's a "Savage model 94D" made for Western Auto under the Revelation brand name.

How old is the Revelation model 350 series m 12 gauge single shot?

Late 70's

How old is a revelation model 350 series m 20 gauge?

No known sn data published. Probably turn of the century or a little later.

How old is a revelation model 110?

No sn data in the public domian.

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Who made the Revelation model 101 for Western Auto and how old is it?

Not sure on when it was made but it was produced bt Savage. The Model # Savage used was model 73. If you need parts thst how I was able to repair my Revelation model 101

Age of Stevens model 530a 16 gauge shotgun?

How old US a Stevens savage model 530a 16 gauge

How old is my Revelation 30-06 Model?

No sn data in the public domain.

How old is a revelation model 105 22 cal?

The Revelation Model 105 .22 caliber rifle was manufactured from 1971 to 1988. It was made by Marlin and marketed by Western Auto.

Who made revelations 16 gauge model 360 double barrell shot guns?

The Revelation Model 360 double barrel 16 guage shotgun was made by Savage. I own one, inherited from my dad, and I recently saw and compared it to a Savage Fox model B at a gun show. The two guns were identical right down to the checkering on the stock. The only difference is that mine says Revelation Model 360. These are excellent bird and skeet guns. Revelation was the brand name used by the old Western Auto stores.

Where is the model number on an old 16 gauge Savage shotgun?

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