With the serial number provided;your Winchester model 101 was made in June of 1969.
Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 101 was made in June,1969.
how old is a Winchester 101 with a serial number of k236347
No serial number given.
Your serial number indicates that you have a winchester model 101 in 20gauge.This shotgun was made by winchester in 1966.
Winchester 101 serial number 228484 was produced towards the end of 1970. Hope this helps, Neil...
Need the serial number to answer your question.
No serial number provided = no way to answer.
Your winchester model 101 was made in 1966 by winchester.
Your Winchester model 101 20ga shotgun was made by Winchester in june,of 1966.
@ 1980
i believe that your Winchester model 101 shotgun was made in either 1972,or 1973 with the serial number that you have provided.