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Check the date code on the barrel, see related links for the information on the Remington Society of America.

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Q: How old is 572 Remington serial a1450602?
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How old is your Remington Fieldmaster 572 serial A 1825332?

Check date code, see related links

How old is a Remington 572 serial number 1792204?

Check the date stamp! See related links for information on the Remington Society of America.

How old is a Remington fieldmaster 572 serial number A1632656?

Check the barrel codes on the Remington Society of America.

How old is your Remington fieldmaster 572 serial 1786951?

You need to look up the barrel codes, the details are on the Remington Society of America here:

How old is your Remington model 572 22 cal serial number 121577?

Check the date code on the barrel. See the Remington Society of America for details on the Manufactured date link.

Have an old Remington 572 fieldmaster and need to sell Good condition and clean very old no serial number on the plate Can you give an idea of the value?

Between 100-200 dollars in the condition that you describe. Additionally ALL 572's have serial no's if it doesn't it's real questionable, I doubt a dealer would touch it.

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Depends greatly on model/variation and condition, Remington made 3 pump 22's. That serial no is to high for a Model 121 so it's either a old Model 12 made until 1936 or a newer 572 which they started making in 1955 and are still produced.

How old is your Remington fieldmaster model 572 sn A1838791?

It's date code stamped on the barrel, see related links for information on the Remington Society of America.

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How old is Remington 870 serial?

Check the manufactured date link on the Remington Society of America for details.

How do you fined out how old a Remington 22 model 12 is with serial number but no date code?

by serial no