You can buy condoms when your at LEAST a young adult. Maybe when you're 18+
You don't haft to be a certain age to buy condoms you don't even need a license to get them just get them.
11 years of age
yea, but the kid can buy them too, there is no age limit on buying condoms.
any age. u can buy condoms everywhere
Anywhere that sells them. There is no age restriction on condoms. Note that most local health departments will give you condoms for free.
There is no age limit to purchase condoms. In fact, it is federally illegal for any stores to withhold contraception from anyone based on age.
You dont have to be any age to buy condoms (i guess if your going to do it they atleast want you to do it safe)
You have to be at least 18 in Connecticut. You can get married at 16 with parental permission.
You can be any age. Under 18 is okay, no one can legally not let you purchase them.
Who settled Hartford Connecticut (WE NEED A REAL ANSWER! not some dumb old joke)
You can be any age to request condoms from a health department, etc. or to buy them at the store.