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You have to be 18 years or older to legally buy an electronic hookah pen.

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14y ago

i think any age what do u guys think

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Q: How old do you have to be to smoke electronic ciggarettes?
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Does lil Jon smoke ciggarettes?

yeah he does

Does lil twist smoke?

Maybe Weed Not Ciggarettes

How much money is spent a year from smoking every year?

It depends on how much ciggarettes that you smoke each day. At $8.50 on average for a packet of 20 ciggarettes. If you smoke 5 ciggarettes a day, you would be spending on average $770 a year.

Does Michelle mcool smoke ciggarettes?

no she does not but she is hot enough to light one.

Does January Jones smoke ciggarettes?

no herbal ciggs is what most of the cast on Mad Men smoke.

The number of ciggarettes were smoked in 2007?

109825364582 ciggarettes we smoked in 07

Does Nick Jonas smoke ciggarettes?

No Nick Jonas does not smoke. He doesn't like it and likes to stay as healthy as possible, smoking is horrible for you which counters Nick's mission to stay healthy.

How old do you have to be to smoke an electronic cigarette?

The legal smoking age is considered 18-DEATH, but some teenagers still smoke.

What are in ciggarettes?


Did Charles lucky luciano smoke?

Luciano regularly smoked ciggarettes, and was known as a 'chain smoker'. Most pictures of him show him with a ciggarette in his hand/mouth. He died from cancer at Naples Airport.

How does a ciggarettes work?

It gets lit, it burns. You puff on it. Smoke travels in the direction it's being pulled. That smoke enters the mouth and, from there, it gets inhaled into the lungs. The airflow through the cigarette keeps it lit. Most have a filter the smoke travels through to filter out some of the tar and chemicals. Some still do not.

How do you quit ciggarettes?

stop smoking them