yes i think it is OK for an 8th grader to date an 12th grader i mean love is love and age is just a number you love who you love and nobody can tell you differently what you do with your life and your love life is nobody's business
no! it doesnt matter if its a 6th grade girl and 9th grade guy..or vise versa. the 9th grader is either doing it as a joke..or just too desperate. that's not a good thing. the 9th grader is just going to get the 6th grader into the wrong frame of mind a 6th grader should have. theyll get them into sex and things that a 6th grader should not be hearing let alone doing.
it is not a good idea.
i agree but if u r out of school age differences that minor arent that big 'a deal
It's not the best idea in the world. Lol what kind of question is that no
hell no. 12th grade is 17-18. 18 is a legal adult. 8th grade is 13-14, a literal minor. Most cases this is manipulation coming from the older one "you're so mature for your age it'll be fine." is not true. that is literal grooming. Yeah you might be "mature for your age" but not mature enough to date a full on adult. Age is not just a number. If you think that way then 911 is just a number too huh? Your brain is still developing especially at the age of 13-14. a 17-18 year old dating 15-14 and younger is just straight up grooming. Their mentality is different now than their mentality from when they were your age. so 12th grade and 8th THROUGH 9th is a definite no for me and it should be for everyone.
Yes u can but make sure to do bad things like ... And make out in front of ur parents or friends try that.Lol the guy is using sarcasm by the way why would a 10th grader want to date someone in 6th grade thats kinda stupid and 6th graders shouldnt be dating in the 1st place so go away
Why not? Where is it written that in a relationship the male must be older than the female? As long as they are both interested in pursuing a relationship with each other, it shouldn't matter what their peers think. IE if her friends think she shouldn't date him because he's younger... that shouldn't matter.
I think a 12th grader can date up to 6th grade!! TBH i see no problem with it. Do you love who you love! there is nothing wrong with a 6 year difference. #FREERKELLY #LOVEALL # DO YOU!!!!
personally, i don't think so. When you date, you have plenty of hardships and heartbreak, which could lead the 6th grader into school disaster. Besides, 6th grade prepares you for 7th and the rest of high school/middle school.
no chance, buddy. i am a sixth grade girl and there is no way I would date a nine or ten year old boy. sorry.
Not really because they want even remember you when you get in the 7th grade lOL i so agree these 6th graders
you hav to ask her out dar
I would assume 11-12 since that's how old people normally are in 6th grade.
Usually, a child of the age of 12 years, should be either in the midst of 6th grade, and should turn of the year 13 in the middle of grade 7.
if you act your age... a movie
A 12-year-old boy would typically be in 7th grade.
A 12 year old is probably in 6th grade.
Not to me 6th grade is when i had my first boyfriend and we dated for 2 years . Just keep it light .
not a big age gap, if you like each other no reason not to date.