many casino hotels require 21
Minimum age for checking into hotels is 18.
It depends on hotel policy. Check with the Hotel.
You must be 21 years of age to check into a Marriott property
In order to check-in into a hotel, the person must be 21 years old. If the person is younger than 21, then a parent or guardian can give permission for them to check-in.
I think it is as old you can check in at any hotel.
check with hotel manager or security
18 in Europe. The legal age to rent a hotel room in the United States is 18, but some hotels require you to be 21. Check with your hotel first.
yes but he needs an adult to check once in a while on him/her.
Yes. But to be sure, you should check the specific hotel policy.
No you have to be at lest 18 years old to m ake reaervations
In San Francisco, you generally need to be at least 18 years old to rent a hotel room. Some hotels may have a higher minimum age requirement, so it's best to check with the specific hotel you are interested in.
The hotel check in and check out procedures can vary from hotel to hotel. Many hotels require a deposit or credit card hold for security when checking in. There is also usually a specific check out time where the deposit is usually returned upon leaving.
Where? Check them out on a directory or review site