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I think any age with parental consent, but you must be 18+ to go and get it done alone, sorry if I'm wrong :D

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Emilia Smitham

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2y ago
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Q: How old do you have to be have the top of your ear done?
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What does it feel like getting the top iof your ear done?

it doesn't hurt that bad.. i had each of my cartiliges(top of ear) done twice, and it didnt hurt that bad. it kinda feels hot after tho

What does it mean if your ear is throbbing on the top of the ear?

probably an ear infection. it normally means you should clean your ears.

Is it dangerous to get the top of your ear pierced?

Not at all I know lots of people who have it done. It's pretty common. But just to warn you it will kill when you get it done.

What is the is the external part of the ear?

I am not sure which part of the ear you are talking about specifically but the flap on the side of your head by the opening of the ear canal is called a Tragus. Then you have a lobe where the common ear piercing is done. The curve at the top is called a helix. I am not sure what you are looking for here so I gave you as much information on the outer ear that I can.

Where is ear piercing done?

Ear piercing is normally done in commercial centres in piercing shops.

How old do you have to be to get the top of your ear pierced with parent consent?

i got mine at 11 lol

What is the external part of the ear called?

I am not sure which part of the ear you are talking about specifically but the flap on the side of your head by the opening of the ear canal is called a Tragus. Then you have a lobe where the common ear piercing is done. The curve at the top is called a helix. I am not sure what you are looking for here so I gave you as much information on the outer ear that I can.

How old do you have to be to get the cartilage in your ear piecred?

You have to be 18 years old to be able to get any kind of body piercing but with a parental consent you can get it done at any age

Top of the ear lobe piercing?

A little help, Top of the ear lobe would be the ear canal so I don't know what you are asking for?

When should girls get their ears pierced?

It depends on WHERE. For say, if a 3 year old got her ear pierced, it would look cute. But if she got her cartilages done, It would look terrible. For ear piercing i would do maybe, 10 years old. Old enough to know the pros and cons of having it done. Only do it if your child is responsible enough to look after them. For cartilages, i say, " You Can Have Them Done When Your Old Enough To Drive Yourself To The Store To Get Them Done Yourself" . But honestly, its your decision. Good Luck!

Does it hurt getting your ear pierced where is the best place to get it done Im a 13 year old boy?

it hearts and wallmart

Why is ear piercing done?

so you can wearing ear rings and studs