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Its around 50 but not all woman stop having there period for some it will never stop and someones will stop at a young age.

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Q: How old are you when you stop getting your period?
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If you have a UTI will that prevent you from getting your period?

No itwill not stop the period , it is there for a another purpose.

What age do you have to be to not get your period anymore?

You stop getting periods around the time you reach menopause, which is around the ages of 45-55 years old.

What are good ways to stop from getting your period monthly?

Get pregnant.

When they have the period do they stop getting taller?

No. You Still Get Taller Usually.

What can stop you from getting your period?

Typically pregnancy or birth control.

What age do you stop getting your period?

Around mid-life time....could be when your 45-55 years old..My mom is 39 and she still has hers....:)

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you stop getting presents when you quit believeing : )

A old woman to have her periode?

my last period didn't stop

How did they stop from getting pregnant in the old days?

they didnt

Can antibiotics stop your period?

No, antibiotics definitely cannot stop your period. The only known possible way to do is is by taking contraceptive pills, or getting a hysterectomy

Can you go from taking the depo injection straight to taking the pill to stop the daily bleeding you are getting with the injection?

Your body is trying to adjust from being off the shot. Taking the pill won't stop you from getting your period or make it stop when you are on it. Believe me, if there was something created to stop a period in the middle...I would have found it.