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In the UK you have to be 18

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Q: How old are you supposed to be to get a credit card?
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How many numbers are there supposed to be on a credit card?

There are 16 digits on a credit card.

How old do you have to be to open up a credit card?

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Can a 17 year old get a credit card in the UK?

you have to be 18 years old to get a credit card that's if you sign for he or her

How can I find old credit card numbers?

It is not recommended or legal to try to find old credit card numbers. If you need information about past credit card transactions, you should contact the credit card company or financial institution that issued the card for assistance.

How old do you have to be to have your own credit card?

you have to be 18 to sign a contract for a credit card in your name.

If your are 17 years old and married can you get a credit card?

can i get a credit card im 17years old married and have a job and a kid

When are you allowed to apply for a credit card?

You are alard a credit card when you are 11 years old you will be alard to keep it in your own hands. So 11 years old and your alard to keep a credit card

Is an authorized credit card user responsible for credit card debt if the primary card holder declares bankruptcy?

No. The card holder is responsible for all debt on the credit they extended to him. (You may be responsible to the credit card holder for the debt he incurred for you, if that was your agreement).

What if the credit card not presented during the refund transaction?

The credit card is supposed to be presented and processed. But it is possible for some systems to correctly process the refund if it is not. Unfortunately I would be very suspicious that the refund was not applied if the compan7y did not process the credit card.

How old do you need to be to get a credit card?

Actually it is not essential how old you are to get a credit card,as long as you know how to use it and you can pay fo your credits you are valid to use this card by

How does credit card balance transfer in an office work?

Credit card balance transfers are essentially when a credit card holder starts a new credit card to pay off whatever debts and charges the owner may have on the old credit card. The charges from the old credit card get transferred to the new credit card and a grace period occurs which is basically a lower interest rate at the beginning of the transfer. It is safe but only if the person makes sure to read the details the new credit card company has regarding the transfer.