About 45.
One day old on 19 January 1987.
you would be 31 years old.
As of November 2011, someone born in March 1939 would be 72 years old.
he was born on 18th March 1985
Emma Wray is 46 years old (birthdate: March 22, 1965).
She is 14 years old today actually. She was born March 18th, 1997.
Stacy Edwards is 45 years old (birthdate: March 4, 1965).
Undertaker was born March 24, 1965, and is 45 years old.
He was born 18th March 1985 so he will be 25 now. Hope this helps! :)
In 2016, a person born in 1983 should be 33 years old after their birthday.
Piers Morgan was born on the 30th March 1965 which makes him age 45 years old (as of March 2010)
He was born March 24, 1965 so that would mean he is 46 years old.
Scottish singer Marti Pellow is 52 years old (birthdate: March 23, 1965).
17 on the 18th of March.
Puneet Rajkumar is 36 years old (birthdate: March 17, 1975).