Hunger pains
Absolutely! I don't have any scientific info for ya, but can tell you it happens to me sort of often. I suffer from random pains often and many times there will be simultaneous pains in my arm and head for instance.
Contractions feel like period pains on a whole new level. Imagine your worst period pain ever times at least 5. That's what labor pains feel like.
Exactly how i feel
Hunger pains are pains you get in your belly. They sometimes feel like cramps or someone pushing or pulling on your belly. It's your body telling you it needs food.
tight pain mang
You will start to feel pains in your stomach if you dont start feeling pains you should go to a specialist.
because you are tired
There is no cure for it. But if you massage it, it should feel better
sympathy pains
It is called being Empathic.