they dont mastutbate because if they mastutbate then the wife having no quality
those married peoples mastutbate whose wife having no sex organ.
have you got now.........
A bit on a negative side. Married men thinks that if they leave their wife for their mistress, his life will be different. He will assume that what he have now with his mistress will be much fun that what his been having with his wife, until he finds out the behavior of his mistress or vice versa. Few married men who left their wife only last 3-4 months, and there are some that last a year, no longer.
22% of married men have cheated on their wives and 14% of married women have cheated on their husbands, according to current data. The data is inaccurate, because most couples will not admit to cheating in the first place.
There is no real answer to that because if u ask a guy they will say girl do and if you ask a girl they will say guys do so ya ANSWER: When it comes to cheating I will say both gender but with little 2% more from men. If you do notice the reason why most married man cheat is all about their needs, not the wife's needs, so if you are a man reading this I am not trying to think less of men in general. It will be nice if one day when a married man decided to cheat, he can at least set his wife free so that way she will not have this broken heart and low self esteem, agreed?
ANSWER:It depends if husband know how to treat her or the wives better, not just for sex but being a wife that he promise to love and cherish. So over all if some married women do end up with another man, don't you think it's the husband's responsibilities to make her happy?My opinion if married couples only work together give each others time and attention, affairs and cheating will not happen, but guess what it's really happening whether we like it or not..Last time I check it was neck and neck for men and woman on the statics and opportunities it's about 50/50.
It is often claimed that height is bi-modal because there will be one modal height for men and one for women. But unless there are exactly the same number of men and of women in the modal class, both cannot be modes. Consequently, this attribute really has only one mode. The same applies to other characteristics.
Yes, married men can often let their mistress down as they are often bound to their families and their family will come first and the mistress will be the last on the food chain of life. Men often have a mistress to gain their youth back; sex is at the forefront and romance is heated for a short time, but as the relationship with the mistress persists some married men will become bored with her or, if the wife finds out and threatens to divorce him, married men often choose to let the mistress go and they stay with the wife.
Higher commands at the beginning of the war were often married with children. Single young men were enlisted and eventually married young men. Often when a young man was at war his wife would give birth and send pictures over.
Most married men who cheat love the idea of the excitement and pleasure they receive from their mistress, but in most cases it is short lived. Married men often lie to their mistress so you are not really sure what feelings he had for you. Generally married men never marry their mistress.
No, gay men are men. Men usually get married in suits or tuxedos.
On average, studies show that married women tend to perform more housework compared to married men, even when both partners work full-time. This discrepancy is often referred to as the "gendered division of labor" within households.
Edith Piaf married two men
Most often women of the nobility were betrothed to be married to men of the nobility. Sometimes they were betrothed to be married to men of royalty. And there were even times when they secretly married commoners, the marriage of Queen Catherine of Valois to Owen Tudor being an example. Please see the links below for more.
Married gay men refer to each other as "husband."
The ISBN of The World Is Full of Married Men is 0446357170.
The World Is Full of Married Men was created in 1968.
Often, yes. There was a lack of women in Rome (because they were more likely to be exposed at birth) and girls usually married men a decade or so older.
flight married