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Robbed? Very rarely (Robery is a taking from the person by force or fear) BurglarY (breaking and entering into the premises) is more common, which is why gun delaers have alrms, bars, locks cameras, etc.

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Q: How often do gun stores get robbed?
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What is the present tense of robbed?

The present tense of "robbed" is "rob." For example, "He robs convenience stores."

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Can you get citizenship after you've been robbed at gun point?

Being robbed makes you a victim, not a criminal. It should have no bearing on citizenship.

How often does a bank get robbed in Maricopa?

Not sure but the bank was just robbed here in maricopa. Right across from the police station.

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he robbed 3 stores and a car

Is Kim Kardashians dead?

No...where did u hear that from?no but her life was at risk this year when she was robbed in paris and held at gun point

Where can one purchase used gun safes in the US?

You can buy used gun safes in the US in many different places. Amazon and eBay are popular places that people often buy these type of cases at. Gun stores also sell used gun safes.

Do white and silver airsoft guns count as clear airsoft guns?

No, the point of the clear airsoft gun law is to make sure people know the gun is not real. People have robbed stores with real-looking airsoft guns. some people that have attempted to rob stores with real-looking airsoft guns and have gotten shot because the police are convinced they have an armed robbery. The gun must have a clear or transparent part to it to prove it is not real. There is also a law your gun cannot go faster that 500 FPS (feet per second).

How often do gas stations get robbed in Kentucky?

Seven times a year on average.

Why did traders moved in caravan?

Caravans were for protection because they were often robbed by robbers.

How often do gas stations get robbed?

It depends on the location and area that the store's located in.