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'''ANSWER:''' '''I'm not really sure, it depends on the person who's cheating and the reason why he or she is doing it. Now a days a married man doesn't need to have an excuse to be connected with another woman. Usually his reason is quite simple, desiring another woman because the wife is the only woman he slept on for years. My experience is only from the only man I married, and when I discovered his love affair with this woman, I told him that he can continued seeing her, I will not stand his way. He refused even though he fell in love with her. Finding out his true feelings, that's when I decided that we can't be together anymore. I made the right decision and will never regret it.'''

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Q: How often do cheating spouses try and come back?
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How about you answer it and you are cheating never come back to this website it tells nothing but lies

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Before you jump to conclusions it's time the two of you learned to communicate. If she deletes the record before you come back then you obviously have no proof that she is cheating on you and therefore, you wouldn't have any idea how often she phones her boss. Depending on what line of work she is in (if she works in a corporation) then she could well have to have contact with her boss every so often, but certainly not that often. Both of you need to sit down and you have to be honest in the fact that you have your suspicions because this is about all you have going for you. This way she will know you are aware of it and she may well have an explanation for why she is in contact with her boss. There is no room in a marriage for second guessing and suspicions without proof.

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... Please try to come up with a question that actually makes sense.