Cats will usually self-regulate and eat what they need, so you should just make sure they have food. A cat that gets fat is probably not getting too much food, it's getting the wrong kind of food.
A cat should, when standing, have an outline like a race track when seen from above (straight sides and rounded ends). If it either narrows or widens toward the back end, the cat is too thin or too fat respectively.
A cat owner should expect to clean up cat poop twice a day.
Once a day.
every day you should give a cat one scoop
A cat should typically poop once or twice a day. If a cat is pooping more or less frequently, it may indicate a health issue that should be checked by a veterinarian.
twice a day breakfast and dinner
11 ouces per day?
3-4 ounces per day if you want a skinny cat
you should walk your cat a minim of 1 time a day
Daily. Twice a day in two small meals is preferred.
Play with cats for at least 20 to 60 minutes a day.
You should give a kitty food three times a day, and a small portion of it. It should also be kitten food.
Sometimes on the back of the bag of cat food there will be a chart or something that says how much you should feed your cat according to its weight.