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How not to be proud: When you are feeling your spirit is starting to be proud, you usually feel jelous about anything, angry or very nervous - and you start to be proud and show your pride with bad signals like: being bad to other people around - even if they have not caused the situation you are angry, nervous or jelous about. You start to shout to the nearest person you have there.

So, try to do this; as soon as you are feeling you might became very proud, do not wait any time, just go streight away to some calm place where you will be alone - even if you have a big will to start to show your pride, go there, keep calm and start to breath. Then think, that you are not perfect, and even you might be person that not all people will like - you must face this!!, hold on on a calm place, alone, and repeat to yourself: Hi, my name is ..., and I am being proud,you see...(your name). Repeat it many times, and start to realize, that it is reality, and you do not want to be like that. Then, try to realize, that you are at SAME level then other people are, even if you are smarter, more pretty, or more inteligent.. Remeber, that you can not see people around like something LESS. After think about people making you feeling proud and try to CONSIDER what they are speaking about or doing and try to find reason. You are not the smartest one in this planet, so try to understand it. You ARE NOT higher than others, you are in SAME floor. Not even a half floor higher!!

Other what you can do for it, is to put to the place of the other person - with who you are being proud or with who you become acting proud hearing about someone else, that makes you crazy and nervous - and try to IMAGINE and put to place of them, that IT IS absolutely NOT nice feeling to have a person like you around if you are being proud! They can feel very sad, strange, bad and they might not like to be in your company any more! They get bad impression about you.

So just be nice, do not think you are Person, but person and try to understand that there are many other people in this wolrd that can be happy with you not seeing you proud. And one more thing - if people see you many times being proud, they stop to trust you!! And they start to look at you with eyes: "That proud one" .

Do not give up, be patiente, it works!

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