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An 8GB iPod touch 4g costs about $200. An 32 GB ipod touch costs $300. An 64 GB iPod touch 4g costs about $400.

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Q: How much will an ipod touch 4g cost in American money?
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How much money does an 8gb iPod touch cost?

The iPod Touch 8gb costs 199$

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Just to buy the app.

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Do things on the ipod touch cost money?

Some do, others don't.

Are apps for the iPod touch free?

For the ipod touch some apps cost money but a whole lot of them dont cost money at all the majority of them are al so dont worry kk

How much money does the ipod touch cost at wlamart?

8 gb iPod Touch is generally $195 and 32 gb iPod Touch is $295. discounts are sometimes higher.

Does it cost money to update to 3.1.3 for your ipod touch?

All updates are free