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Yeah you shouldn't be encouraging this behavior, it is very unhealthy. Your body needs nutrients from food, besides if you eat nothing for two weeks your body could get used to this and you could develop an eating disorder. Then your face will sink in and your teeth will fall out. A lot less attractive than being fat. well once i didn't eat anything and only drank water for 10 days and i lost 13 pounds

yeah im not sure if this helps but i lost 10kg in bout 11days from starving myself, just drinking water and chewing sugar free gum. i also did an hour at the pool swimming laps 5days a week, i think u will lose bout 13kg or around that if u do some exercise (like swimming) 5days a week

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Q: How much weight would you lose if you ate very little or nothing for two weeks?
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Yes. If you are working out and gaining muscle tone, then it is reasonable that you may gain a little weight (a few pounds) or not lose as much weight as you normally would have if you were just losing "fat" weight. It is good that you are losing fat! In addition, you may be putting on some water weight as your body adjusts. This will go away completely within a few weeks or so. If this is not the case, and you are losing "fat" but still gaining weight, you may want to see a nutritionist or doctor to find out why that would be happening. Absent of that, there is nothing wrong with gaining a few pounds of muscle as you lose fat.

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Nothing is certain but I would try not to worry. If you miscarry again you definitely need to get checked out as there may be some little thing preventing you carrying a pregnancy. Good Luck

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