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That's dangerous to eat only 200 calories per day. You probably don't want to hear this, but you'll regret it if you do it. Your body needs at least 1,200 calories just to survive, and you'll screw it up by eating less than that. You're probably going to lose weight at first (mostly muscle), but then you'll end up gaining all the weight you lost back and more.

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Q: How much weight will I gain with 200 calories per day?
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If you take in 700 calories a day and you burn off 200 a day not 200 more than you eat what will happen?

If you take in 700 calories a day and you burn off 200 a day you will gain 500 calories that aren't being used which will eventually add weight to your body over time.

How much weight should a pregnant women gain while pregnant?

200 pounds minimum.

Does eating almond nuts make us fat?

Not as long as you eat them with your maintenance calories. If, for example, you need 2,000 calories to maintain your current weight, eat 2,000 calories, but then eat like 200 calories in almonds, that's over your caloric intake, and will lead to weight gain. But with the right amount of calories, almonds are very healthy for you.

If you are 56 years old with moderate activity how many calories to eat to weigh 135lbs?

This would depend on if you need to gain weight to reach 135, or lose weight, as well as how much your exert yourself during the day (i.e. how many calories you burn) What is your current weight? To lose weight in a healthy way, it is often recommended that you cut your dietary intake down to about 200 calories below what you burn during the day; this will provide a steady, maintainable weight. To gain weight and remian healthy, choose non-rocessed foods, (For example, peanut butter) that is high in fats/calories and introduce it into your diet. Remember that exercise is necessary for a healthy LIFE, and not just to loose weight. Also remember muscle weighs more than fat; if you are exercising a lot and cutting calories, you may actually gain weight after a certain point of fitness, this is normal.

About How Many Calories Should A Pregnant woman consume daily?

It depends on your ideal weight, your activity level, and whether you are overweight, underweight, or normal weight. If you are underweight, you should gain 28-40 lbs; if you are normal weight, you should gain 25-35 lbs; and if you are overweight, you should gain 15-25 lbs. If you are normal weight, this equates to about 200-300 extra calories per day (not much!). You don't need to gain weight in the first trimester. For example, someone who is 5'4" and weighs 115 lbs. and who walks an hour per day but has a sedentary job should probably consume 1800 calories per day. If this person becomes pregnant, starting in the second trimester (week 14), she should consume 200-300 more calories - 2000 to 2100 calories per day.

How many calories should you eat for your size?

As a general rule of thumb, the number of calories a person can consume that will not result in a weight gain or loss is determined by multiplying a person's weight by 15. Thus, a 200 pound person will maintain this weight by consuming 3,000 calories per day. (200 X 15 = 3,000) Similarly, a 100 pound person would maintain his/her weight by consuming 1,500 calories per day. (100 X 15 = 1,500) Interestingly, this is one of the reasons it is easier for a person to lose weight in the early stages of a diet. If a person weighs 200 pounds at the start of a diet, he/she will lose weight by restricting their calories to 2,700 calories per day because this is 300 calories less than the 3,000 necessary to maintain a weight of 200 pounds. However, when this person reaches a weight of 180 pounds, he/she will no longer lose any weight on a 2,700 calorie diet because this number of calories will maintain a weight of 180 pounds. (180 X 15 = 2,700) Therefore, in order to continue losing weight, this person will have to further reduce the number of calories consumed each day. Using the following formula, it is possible to determine how much weight someone will gain or lose by eating more or less calories than the amount that will maintain their present weight; 3,500 calories = 1 pound of fat. Therefore, a person will gain one pound by eating an extra 3,500 calories or lose one pound by decreasing their calorie intake by 3,500. Thus, if a person eats 100 calories per day less than what is required to maintain their weight, he/she will lose one pound over the course of 35 days (35 days X 100 calories = 3,500 = 1 pound of fat), or 10 pounds in a year (365 days X 100 calories = 36,500 calories divided by 3,500 = 10.4 pounds of fat). Conversely, eating an extra 100 calories per day will result in a 10 pound weight gain over the course of one year.

How much weight would you lose if you ate less than 200 calories for a whole month?

4 stoneType your answer here...

How much calories are in porrige?

200 calories per cup.

How many calories a woman should eat a day not to gain weight but to maintain its weight?

A man between the ages of 19 and 30 with a sedentary lifestyle needs 2,400 calories; a more active male requires 200 more. Females between the ages of 19 and 30 with a sedentary lifestyle require 2,000 calories per day; a more active lifestyle requires 200 more as well.

How much kcal is needed for one pound muscle?

3500 calories are one pound of body weight

Im a twelve year old girl who weighs 71 pounds and is four feet ten inches how do i gain weight naturally?

A cup of rice contains about 200 calories Trusted Source, and it is also a good source of carbohydrates, which contribute to weight gain. Many people find it easy to incorporate rice into meals containing proteins and vegetables.

How much weight will you gain from drinking beer?

It depends on how much you drink (and how much you exercise). Beer is empty calories, most have 100-200 calories per serving. See the related question for more details on specific beers. Plus you have to take in the munchy effect. More input and advice: * A 6-pack could easly make you gain half a pound. * Most of the people I met in college gained around 20lbs a year from all the parties.