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Q: How much weight does a steak lose when cooked?
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Related questions

How much weight does fish lose when cooked?

The amount of weight a fish might lose when cooked depends on the moisture content. It also depends on how long the fish is cooked.

How many calories in steak and corn on the cob?

Calories in steak and corn on the cobThe calorie content of steak and corn on the cob depends on such things as how the steak and corn are cooked, what kind of steak is used, the weight of the steak and corn, whether you add butter to the corn and if so how much. For the calories in cooked steak by weight, and the calories in cooked corn on the cob by weight, please see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

Is eating steak good to lose weight?

Losing weight is as much about how much you eat as what you eat. Steak has plenty of nutritional value, so some of it is just fine. But if you overeat you won't lose any weight, almost regardless of what you're eating.

How much weight does a raw egg lose when its cooked?

about .034 ounces

How many calories in steak and mashed potato?

Calories in steak and mashed potatoThe calorie content of steak and mashed potato depends on how the steak is cooked, what kind of steak and potatoes are used, the weight of the steak and potatoes, whether you add milk and butter to the mashed potatoes and if so how much. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more details. Alternatively, for the calories in cooked steak by weight, and the calories in mashed potatoes by weight, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

How much weight will you lose if you only eat rice fish and tea?

Depends on how much you're eating of each item, and on how they've been cooked.

How much sodium does a steak have?

About a duck's weight in salt

How much weight do you lose in pee?

yuo lose a pound

How much weight you can lose in 30 minutes?

Other than by surgical intervention, you cannot lose much weight in 30 minutes.

What is a form of dance to lose weight?

Pretty much any form of dance will help you lose weight.

Ok your weight is 112 if you start running every day for half an hour how much weight will you lose?

if you run the entire time, you could probably lose as much as half a pound. i think the temperature affects how much weight you lose though.

Is steak ok to eat when dieting?

Dieting - if you're trying to lose weight - is always a balance between what, and how much you eat.You can certainly have some lean steak when you're on a diet, but you need to watch the amount, and the sides.Fries and sauces tend to be real high in calories, and these are really hard to make room for in a diet.