Weight loss depends not on what you eat, but rather how many calories you consume. You can lose weight eating whatever you want, so long as you consume fewer calories than you burn.
A plain diet is usually a diet of vegetables, bread and meat. It is not highly seasoned or salted. It is usually a diet used for a medical condition or to lose weight.
Yes, you do. and it takes FOREVER to get it back. trust me i know. Answer Make sure your weight loss program includes a balanced diet with meat and vegetables, so you won't lose muscle.
The vegan diet plan means that you aren't going to eat or drink anything that has to do with animals such as meat, eggs, or cheese. You can lose some weight this way.
According to the Mayo clinic, a vegetarian diet may help one lose weight if they are careful about its execution. If one eats a lot of pasta and fatty foods, it is possible to lose a pound per day for a couple of weeks (i.e., leading up to a wedding) simply through a diet of salads, occasional lean meat and exercise.
A good diet program to lose weight quickly is called the Atkins diet. This consists of usually just eating meat and no sugar or fats. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atkins_diet
Natural (free range, organic) chicken and wild (not farmed) fish are good non-vegetarian proteins to include in a weight loss diet.
I think the best diet if your looking to lose weight quickly is a low carb. diet, so eat things with less bread and pasta. With a low carb. diet you can eat all the meat and vegetables you like though.
Fat makes fat. Meat has fat. It will be very hard to lose weight if you don't want to eat vegetables. You might drink a liquid diet shake but it's not going to help if you eat a big hamburger. You have to exercise and eat less to lose weight.
yes it helps to loose weight
None. I'm being honest. Cut out ALL meat and stick with fruits, veggies and nuts. No milk or eggs, either. TRUST ME. I've lost almost 30 pounds since January of 2008 and it's now July.
You are able to eat meat and lose weight, just try to cut back on your meat consumption and avoid red meats (beef, chicken, pork, etc.) whenever possible and eat more fish.
A starvation diet or the onset of a life-threatening disease is the only way to lose weight quickly. Starvation diets result in the loss of water and muscle mass, not fat, all of which comes back on in a short time. A healthy weight loss plan is based on knowledge, organization and planning, and is one that can be followed for a lifetime. You'll find more information at www.nutrition.gov Use the Weight Management tab on the left.