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First i would like to point out that fasting for a week is not recommended as a weight loss method it could be dangerous. When you start to fast the first thing that body will use is it's Glycogen stores, a similar chemical to starch. The body has about 2,000 kcal stored in the muscles and liver. This is broken down to glucose and although only about 500g is stored in the body it also binds about six times it's weight in water so in the first day about 3.5 kg (7 pounds) will be lost. This is the dramatic weight loss that often you see from a crash diet early on. After the glycogen stores are used up then fat burning begins. Fat contains about twice the energy of glycogen for the same weight and no water is bound up with it. If you are moderatly active (But if you are fasting you won't feel like being active) you will use about 2,500 kcal a day which only equates to about 350g of fat a day. The body is a very efficient machine and doesn't take much to power it. So after a week you will lose about 500g of glycogen (1 pound) 3 kg of water (6 pounds) and 2.5 kg of fat (5 pounds) for a total of 6 kg or about 13 pounds. The body will also break down muscle as it needs some protein. It doesn't take long to break down muscle but a lot of effort to put it back. Try exercising more and a few less trips to McDonalds.

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Q: How much weight can you lose by fasting for a week?
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You will lose about 10 pounds in first week then it will drop to around 1-2 pound a day, and no you will not put it back on providing you eat healthily of course, water fasting is very beneficial not only for weight loss but for many other benefits.

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Fasting is a very inefficient weight loss method. Whatever pounds you lose while fasting you are most likely to put right back on as soon as you start eating again. You're far better off sticking to a sensible diet and a sensible time plan for your weight loss goal..

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How much weight are we talking about? It's not safe or practical to lose more than a few pounds a week - or a month for that matter.

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You cannot lose 20 pounds in one week by natural means. Some people can lose around 14 pounds in one week when fasting. Some of that 14 pounds would be water weight and some would be body fat. However, it's hard to fast and not advisable unless your nutritional status is good before fasting or unless it is done under medical supervision. .

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Sorry, you would not be able to lose a significant amount of weight in one week, it has been proven unhealthy to lose much more than half a kilogram in a week (that's if you are an ideal weight already) but for an overweight person who has tens of kilos to lose they may be able to lose 1 or 2 kg in a week, but if they are fat, that wouldn't make much of a difference, It takes time! Good luck xxx

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