A completely full bladder is capable of holding approximately 1 liter of fluid … Ordinarily the urge to urinate occurs when the bladder contains about 200 ml of urine.
The bladder holds urine. The bladder is a sort of pouch found at the end of the urinary tract. Its function is to retain the urine of the body until it can be released to the urethra and out of the body. Nerves in your bladder tell you when it's time to urinate. (go to the bathroom) The kidneys produce urine as part of their process of cleansing the blood. The bladder stores urine until the creature is ready to urinate. Otherwise we would have to do so continuously, which would be both unsanitary and extremely annoying.
A healthy bladder can hold up to 16 ounces (2 cups) of urine...
It all depends how many liquids you consumed, and how full your bladder is, not to mention how large your bladder is. But the average exertion for an adult with a full bladder is around 10 tablespoons. Sometimes more, sometimes less, depends on the person.
Howmuch urine accumulats in the bladder of a normal person per minute ?
My brother can hold in his bladder 1300ml too and he has a huge bladder so yes its large Added: the normal, healthy bladder holds between 300 and 800 ml. So, yes, 1300 is way, way too much. Your brother is damaging his bladder.
500 ml
A catheter placed through the urethra and into the bladder can show how much urine remains in the bladder after the patient urinates--a measure of how severe the obstruction is.
However much is in your bladder. I would assume.
The bladder explosion occurs if you hold your urine for more than 7 hours because the urine overfills the bladder. It's like a balloon that gets too much air. The longer you hold, the higher the risk of bladder explosion will be.
some one answer this question!!
The bladder is what collects the urine from your body, prior to urinisation, or disposal, of the liquid. Think of it like a storage tank. If you didnt have a bladder, you would have nowhere to store the urine in your body, and youd end up either falling very very sick, or running to the loo every 2 minutes to pee 2 drops of urine.
A horse's bladder can typically hold around 4-15 liters of urine. They have a large bladder capacity due to their ability to store urine for longer periods of time, which is an adaptation to their natural grazing behavior.